Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February 13, 2009


February 13, 2009

The meeting was called to order by Ann. Frank and Janee were absent.

The minutes of the February 6, 2009 meeting were read. There was a correction for the web address for the wifi components is . I am sorry that I couldn’t read my notes.

Treasurer’s report was given as follows; Beginning balance was $1251.82 Income: dues and ink $95.00: February 13, 2009 balance was $1,346.82.

Movie for February 13, 2009 is SOMETHING HAS GOT TO GIVE.

There was some discussion about Windows Movie maker and getting music on computer and into slide shows. Some other questions were discussed.

Ann needs help with the pop corn and getting movie started also clean up after movie.

Tip of the day: We should all back up our computer in three other places besides the computer its self. Make two sets of CD’s of every thing on your hard drive. Put one set in a fire safe stored in cool protected place away from other CD’s. The other set get a friend to store for you under similer conditions as you did for the one you saved. The other site is on the internet. One site on the internet is promo code rush.
There is a charge. After the files have been down loaded carbonite will backup what you do every time you are on the computer.

The program for February 20,2009 will be Ann with a repeat of Trubo Tax. She will have numbers, etc. to go in the blanks so it will be easier to see how it works.

The program for February 27, 2009 will be presented by Janee on using your pictures to make slide shows with music, captions and or narration. Also how to get pictures in e-mail and other applications.

Computer Club meets at 8:45 on Fridays.

Respectively submitted by

Margaret Inness

Friday, February 13, 2009

February 6, 2009


February 6, 2009

Frank called the meeting to order.

The minutes of the January 30, 2009 meeting were read. Curt moved the minutes be approved as read. The motion was seconded by Bob. The minutes were approved.

The Treasurer’s report was given as follows Beginning balance $1145.82. Income: Movie $31.00; Dues $5.00; Dinner tickets $660.00. Total income; $696.00. Expenses: Dinner $298.00. Ending Balance; $ 1,251.82.

The movie for February 6, The Interpreter. The movie contest will be a gift certificate to the person who brings most new people to the Movie.

A report on the Meat Loaf Dinner was given as follows; a total of 110 tickets were sold. We were short on corn and potatoes. There was some meat loaf and cake left over. The help showed up and did a good job. The dinner did make a profit.

Gary Puro is in the hospital with the flu. A card was passed around to be signed.

Bob talked about the use of the Clubs laptop computer by the club members. The computer was purchased for the purpose of the members being able to use it to prepare programs, etc. Ann will keep the computer with Clubs Blu ray player. Ask Ann to be able to use the computer.

Frank gave a program on home made wifi antennas from the internet. The web address is many of the supplies can be picked up any where kitchen gadgets are sold. The electronic parts are available at this site. Dennis Sink will give his version in the near future.

Jack, Ann and Bob will do a program on making videos.

Respectively submitted by

Margaret Inness

Friday, February 6, 2009


January 30, 2009

Janee and Frank were working on getting the computer connected to the projector for Janee’s program on Safe Internet Surfing: Anne conducted a short business meeting. The Treasurer’s report showed a balance of $1145.82; Income: Movie, $26 and Dues: $10 Total income $36. Expenses: Movies $12.99. Ending Balance: $1168.83.

The minutes of the January 23 meeting were read and approved. There was discussion about getting the minutes on the Blog some suggestions were given. They will be tried.

Anne is running a contest to get more people to the movies.

Safe Internet Surfing

Dangers of e-mail
Contest scams, don’t give out any of your information, remember to say NO
Viruses: don’t open attachments even from friends and family unless you are expecting the attachments from that person.
If you are writing to several people at a time, use the blind copy button to put in your addresses (BCC). If you are forwarding e-mails that have lots address delete the address before you forward it as a courtesy to the people you are sending to and also to yourself.
Pay attention to URL’s. Phishing is another way for scammers to do social engineering,
Study your interests, etc. If you are called about your credit card don’t answer any questions. Then you call the number on the back of your credit card to check if there is a problem. Don’t trust e-mail links. Use favorites for frequently used addresses.

Tip of the day: when you are done banking close your browsers before going to another site. There were more tips but I didn’t get them all down. A Firewall keeps things out but lets things go out.
Janee did a good job on the subject. She answered many questions and brought many more when going back over my notes.

Respectively submitted by

Margaret Inness