Friday, April 3, 2009

February 27, 2009

February 27, 2009

No minutes or treasurers report.
Ione – Foto Fun Club –Each of us think of gathering information for use next year – Reference: Meetings, topics and field trips or other items we may want to cover.
Frank – Many requests to get more information on Graigs List and Ebay and how to post and apply pictures.
Anne – Each of us should go into Graig’s List this week to see how it works.
Frank – Reference: Projector – A man from the camera store was in last week – He adjusted the projector – Making the display less dark. The colors are still bad. Frank will see if the Far Horizon Owner will foot the bill or half of it.
Ione - Mentioned Joining the Foto and Computer Clubs together because of many duplications, or possibly not including photo information in the Computer Club Itinerary.
Anne – DVD R/W discs are touchy when trying to burn and play – Example: Movie or Video. They’re ok to work with photos. A DVD can hold up to 2000 pictures.
When copying to discs, use R/W DVD, not read only. Using read only discs - You can’t add information to them.
Frank – Uses thumb drivers – Easier to use – Transfers files easily. His 8 GB thumb drives hold all his music, pictures, etc.

February 13, 2009


February 13, 2009

The meeting was called to order by Ann. Frank and Janee were absent.

The minutes of the February 6, 2009 meeting were read. There was a correction for the web address for the wifi components is . I am sorry that I couldn’t read my notes.

Treasurer’s report was given as follows; Beginning balance was $1251.82 Income: dues and ink $95.00: February 13, 2009 balance was $1,346.82.

Movie for February 13, 2009 is SOMETHING HAS GOT TO GIVE.

There was some discussion about Windows Movie maker and getting music on computer and into slide shows. Some other questions were discussed.

Ann needs help with the pop corn and getting movie started also clean up after movie.

Tip of the day: We should all back up our computer in three other places besides the computer its self. Make two sets of CD’s of every thing on your hard drive. Put one set in a fire safe stored in cool protected place away from other CD’s. The other set get a friend to store for you under similer conditions as you did for the one you saved. The other site is on the internet. One site on the internet is promo code rush.
There is a charge. After the files have been down loaded carbonite will backup what you do every time you are on the computer.

The program for February 20,2009 will be Ann with a repeat of Trubo Tax. She will have numbers, etc. to go in the blanks so it will be easier to see how it works.

The program for February 27, 2009 will be presented by Janee on using your pictures to make slide shows with music, captions and or narration. Also how to get pictures in e-mail and other applications.

Computer Club meets at 8:45 on Fridays.

Respectively submitted by

Margaret Inness

January 16, 2009


January 16, 2009

No business meeting was held. Bob Rogers and Janee Aronoff gave a very informative program on Basic Photo Programs free from the internet.

Next weeks program will be on Excel.


Margaret Inness

January 2 2009


The January 2, 2009 Computer Club meeting was called to order by President Frank Beaven.

The Photo Fun Club will have their first meeting of the 2009 season January 8, 2009, 3:30 pm in the Fiesta Room.

Secretary Margaret Inness read the minutes of the December 19, 2008 meeting were read and approved as read.

Treasurer Anne Iverson gave the Treasurers report of $104.60 income from the Movie. The balance is 1634.40. Treasurer’s report was accepted.

Old business: discussion on buying a new tower for the Dot.Com room was held. The current one is running very poorly if at all.
Several members feel that some of the problem is Cox’s wire coming into the Dot.Com room is defective. The Club Board will pay half and the Park will pay the other half. Bob Rogers moved the Club buy a computer tower for the Dot.Com Room. Motion was seconded by Dennis Sink. The motion was approved.

The Annual Meat Loaf Dinner was discussed. Curt Pederson volunteered to Chair the MEAT LOAF DINNER. Wanda Gear moved that the Computer Club and the Photo Fun Club host the Annual Meatloaf Dinner on February 2, 2009. Seconded by Bob. Motion passed. Curt Pederson is having a Committee meeting. Jack Mitchel, Janee Aronoff and Anne Iverson are a part of the committee.

Next weeks program will be on Turbo Tax , presented by Anne Iverson.
Today’s program was given by Jack Mitchel on use of tables.
Respectively submitted by Margaret Inness

December 12 2009


December 12, 2008

The meeting was called to order by acting President Frank Beaven. Frank reminded us that dues are due. Twenty members were in attendance. Anne passed out some copies of the current membership list. Members were asked to check the spelling of their names and e-mail addresses.
The minutes were read and approved. Anne Iverson gave the treasurers report. Balance on December 5, 2008 was $1379.26; interest .75; deposit $118.62; cash on hand $20.00; Expenses 0.00. Balance on hand December 12, 2008 $1518.63. Treasurer’s report accepted as read. Anne said that one of the chairs in the Dotcom room needs some castors replaced. OLD BUSINESS There was some discussion on getting a new tower for computer in dotcom room.
Bob Rogers moved we need to have a policy sheet written up to cover what the management expects the Computer Club to cover in the dotcom Room. The motion was seconded by John McMahon. The motion passed. Bob Rogers will contact the management and get a policy sheet written.
There was some discussion about the signup sheets in the dot com room. The signup sheets, if used, is a way of checking the use of the computers.
Motion to adjourn was made by Bob Rogers and seconded by Dennis Sink.
Meeting adjourned for the program on Email. Many interesting suggestions were given.

Margaret Inness

December 19 2009


December 19, 2008

The December 19, 2008 Computer Club meeting was called to order by President Frank Beaven.

Janee Aronoff volunteered to fill the office of Vice President. Janee was accepted as Vice President by the members.

Secretary Margaret Inness was late. The Treasurers report was read by Ann. She reported a balance of $1518.63 and dues $25.00. Expenses, casters on chair in room $13.83. New balance $1529.80. The Treasures report was accepted.

The minutes of the December 12 meeting were read and approved. Fifteen members attended the meeting

The Villager is on the blog by Thursday evening so you can check the Friday schedule early. Let Vicky know if you like this service. The address is on the front of The Villager.

The meeting was adjourned for the program on Social Networking. Just before ten a lady asked for the floor to express her concerns about not being able to get on the internet with the computer in the dot com room.

Respectively submitted

Margaret Inness

March 6,2009


March 6, 2009

Frank opened the meeting. Minutes of last weeks meeting were read and approved.

The Treasure’s report was given by Anne as follows: Balance of $2008.95.

The last movie for the 2008-2009 season will be April 5, 2009. Mr. Deeds is tonight’s movie. The Contest movie will be Friday March 13, 2009. The Movie showing March 13 will be AUSTRALIA.

The MEAT LOAF DINNER 2010 will be scheduled by Frank and Anne.

There needs to be more information coordination between the Computer Club and the Photo Fun Club so the Computer Club is not giving the same type of programs as the Photo Fun Club. Some Computer Club members are not coming because the programs are not of interest to them.

An election of officers needs to be held Friday March 27, however the Show and Tell Day for the Park is that day therefore there will not be a Computer Club meeting that day. The Election will be held Friday March 20, 2009. The nomination committee is Franck Beaven, John McMann, Marcell DeWolf and Ned McGreoger.
Light Scribe will be next week’s program. Anne will present the program