Friday, April 3, 2009

March 6,2009


March 6, 2009

Frank opened the meeting. Minutes of last weeks meeting were read and approved.

The Treasure’s report was given by Anne as follows: Balance of $2008.95.

The last movie for the 2008-2009 season will be April 5, 2009. Mr. Deeds is tonight’s movie. The Contest movie will be Friday March 13, 2009. The Movie showing March 13 will be AUSTRALIA.

The MEAT LOAF DINNER 2010 will be scheduled by Frank and Anne.

There needs to be more information coordination between the Computer Club and the Photo Fun Club so the Computer Club is not giving the same type of programs as the Photo Fun Club. Some Computer Club members are not coming because the programs are not of interest to them.

An election of officers needs to be held Friday March 27, however the Show and Tell Day for the Park is that day therefore there will not be a Computer Club meeting that day. The Election will be held Friday March 20, 2009. The nomination committee is Franck Beaven, John McMann, Marcell DeWolf and Ned McGreoger.
Light Scribe will be next week’s program. Anne will present the program

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