Thursday, January 10, 2008

January 4, 2008

Far Horizons Computer Club January 4,2008 Acting President Gary Puro called the meeting to order at 9AM in the Fiesta room with 29 members present.Minutes for the December meeting were not available but may be found on the Computer Club Blog. Treasurer, Ann Iverson reported a balance of $1456.85. A new dvd was purchased for $200.24.This was necessary to show our movies. Motion was made, seconded and carried to accept her report. Under committee reports, Margaret Innes assured members the AC hookups and surge controls would be available for the January 11th meeting. Ann reported that all plans are completed for the dinner, January 27th . A sign-up work sheet was passed around for newly returned members. Janee Arnoff presented a program on “playing games on the computer”. Check Janee’s blog for a list of games available. Program next week will be on using e-bay. Meeting was adjourned . Ruth VanMatre, Secretary

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