Saturday, March 15, 2008

March 14, 2008

March 14, 2008

Acting President Gary Puro opened the meeting. Acting Secretary, Dolores Dewey, read the minutes of the February 22 meeting. Accepted as read. Treasurer, Ann Iverson reported expenses $100.00 to PhotoFun Club for guest speakers.
Ann Iverson asked for help collecting fees for printer use in the room. Janee Aronoff composed a message to be installed on the two computers’ desktops stating the cost per sheet and where the money box is located.
Discussion about the conversion of the present dvd technology to Blu-ray. Will our projector be compatable with Blu-ray?
President Puro announced that he had reserved, for the Club, the same time period and place for next seasons meetings. His "Tip of the Day" was a reminder to carry photos, etc. on a thumb drive for mobility and sharing. Ardell Easterday asked about the date of the Power Point program. (None set) She also reported that Walgreen’s can refill HP cartridges.
Ione Condit reported on the Photo Club and thanked the Computer Club for it’s financial support. Janee Aronoff gave a brief on transporting photos from one folder to another on your computer.
President Puro reminded the members that election of officers would be held March 28 and the Nominating Committee, Gary Puro, Ardell Easterday and Bob Rogers would meet, today, immediately following adjournment.
Meeting adjourned.
Acting Secretary, Dolores Dewey

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