Sunday, December 16, 2007

December 14, 2007

December 14, 2007

14 persons were present.

President Ardell Easterday called the meeting to order. Acting Secretary Dolores Dewey read the minutes. Treasurer Ann Iverson reported income from Dues $15.00, Movie $53.00, new Balance $1406.85.
Program Chairman Gary Puro asked for the completed Survey sheets to be turned in. Both computers were down last week because of an interruption of the electrical system last Friday evening. They were put back in service by Jonathon, the technician employed by the Park.
President Easterday asked for a review of the Club dinner. Sign up sheets are well filled, but no one has volunteered to prepare the meat loaf and to oversee the cooking of the food.

Two members complained that the Activities Office is reluctant to help with use of the room computer. The one the club provides for the residents and transients to access their email and the internet. The Office feels that the computer club should provide this service. Member Marcel DeWulf volunteered to work with Ann Iverson to prepare a sheet with step by step instructions to access the Internet on the public computer.

New Business - Janee Aronoff announced that Photo Club meetings would be starting on January 7, 2008. She and Ione Condit have set up a plan for membership. All Photo Club members must be members of the Computer Club and pay the $5.00 fee because they will be using the digital projector in the classes. The club will cover both film and digital cameras.

Ardell Easterday announced her resignation as President, for personal reasons

Program - Gary asked how many members had visited Ebay, how many had sold or purchase things on Ebay. A number of members have sold everything from automobiles to their trash. Never send goods until the money has been paid. Include the cost of shipping and handling in your price. Use PayPal Bank for buying and selling. Ebay has a tutorial on using their service. Use it.
Gary - We should invite and pay area experts to speak at our meetings. Members voted to meet next week.
Acting Secretary, Dolores Dewey

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