Friday, November 21, 2008

November 21, 2008

November 21, 2008

Acting President Frank Beaven opened the meeting. He asked if there were any new arrivals. Wanda Gear raised her hand. Acting Secretary Dolores Dewey read the Minutes of the last meeting. Minutes were accepted as read.
There was no new business.
Discussion of Movies to be shown on Friday evening. Claire Rogers offered to serve on a committee to choose which films to show.
Program - Frank Beaven did a presentation on Power Point. It included the WikiHow site which offers a tutorial for new users. There is a charge for the download. He then went to the Power Point embedded in his computer. Using the instructions there he started to build a series of slides, captions, etc. The program lasted over 30 minutes with active participation of all the members.
When the meeting was adjourned most said they had a much better understanding of how to use the program.
Acting Secretary, Dolores Dewey

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