Sunday, December 7, 2008

December 5, 2008

December 5, 2008

Acting President Frank Beaven opened the meeting and welcomed new members. No formal meeting was held on November 28 and no Minutes were kept. Dues collected, to date, from 14 members, $70.00. Treasurer Anne Iverson has returned from her vacation and gave the summers financial statement. Balance on September 29, 2008, $1855.66. Expenses for ink, paper and the purchase of a Blue Ray Player were $476.40. New Balance, as of October 30, 2008, $1379.26 This Balance does not include, this seasons, dues and movie income. Computer Club dues includes membership in the Photo Club.
New Business
A Committee was formed to choose films for the Club’s Friday night Movies.
Janee Aronoff, Anne Iverson, Chris Puro and Claire Rogers offered to serve.
Bob Rogers initiated a discussion of programs for our future meetings. Many suggestions were made and the following schedule was set up:
December 12 - Email
19 - Social Networking
January 9 - Turbo Tax
16 - Basic Photo
23 - Excel
30 - Antennas for wifi
It was agreed that we would put on our annual dinner, scheduled for February 1, 2009. Frank Beaven reminded the members that this requires many volunteers. Curt Pedersen volunteered to put on a short entertaining film during the dinner, “Idiosyncrasies of the English Language for Non-native Speakers”.
Meeting adjourned.
Acting Secretary, Dolores Dewey


John said...

Where are the minutes from the last 2 meetings?
John Mc

John said...

Where are the minutes from the last 3 meetings?

John said...

I will find out about the minutes today at the computer club meeting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John said...

It is now January 12, 2009. THERE ARE STILL NO MEETING MINUTES POSTED. Did not get a satisfactory answer to my question last Friday.

John said...

Does anybody read these things?